Second Meeting of Young Creatives, Thessaloniki, 23-26/April/2015

From late April to mid-May 2015, Thessaloniki will become the venue for Graphic Design expression. Graphic design combines inspiration and creativity with visual mastery and effective communication of the given message.

Toolkit Startup is a meeting of young designers. Its purpose is to convey knowledge, skills and technical knowhow on visual communication and graphic design. It is addressed to students and recent graduates of graphic design departments in state or private schools, but it is also open to professionals in the field of visual communication, at any level of experience, who wish to broaden their knowledge. Toolkit Startup includes workshops, talks, and poster exhibitions; once again, we are planning a great celebration to bring together people with open, inquiring and creative minds.

Poster For Tomorrow 2014 – Work Right


Workshops 24-26/04

Talks 24-25/04
